Monday, November 30, 2009

CoverGirl foundation / concealer causing cancer?

Is it true that foundation and concealer can cause cancer?

One of my organic hippie friends told me to stop using products like that.CoverGirl foundation / concealer causing cancer?
Typical organic hippie. Unless you're applying some kind of nuclear make-up to your face, don't worry about it.CoverGirl foundation / concealer causing cancer?
No... not unless they're radioactive. Don't sweat it.
No it does not

but it is still horrible for your face

you shouldnt wear cheap makeup.

they also do horrible animal testing

find a new foundation
nope i dont think so

i mean i wouldnt kno but somebody would have to show me some real proof before id believe it ( =
If Peta is sooooo worried about animal testing of cosmetics, they themselves would stop killing the animals they say they love so much.

Cover girl works just as good as the more expensive lines of concealers, as long as your not allergic.
That isn't true. You shouldn't use their products because they test on animals. Check labels to see what companies test on innocent animals. Stop using products that test on animals.
LMAOOO! boy, are you gullible.
Yes. Everything causes cancer. Water, air, dirt, cows, pigs, cats, dogs, chocolate, wine, cheese, boyfriends, girlfriends, rollerskates and jelly beans. Everything has the potential to cause cancer. I don't know why. I say enjoy and wear your makeup. Just stay away from the jelly beans.
if that was proven, and for real, the FDA would have the product pulled/removed from shelves and Cover Girl prolly wouldn't exist cuz they would have no more money from being sued.
wow ive never heard that one b4...i dont think it is true tho

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